"Our goal is to re-invest in the society that has educated us and to have fun whilst providing world-class education engineered for life! Remember you have got one shot at life, prepare today for a bright future!"
- Shaaji Kan, Lead BMAT Organiser of The Netherlands
The BMAT, yes we know! It's in English and secondly, it's a race against time. How do you read, understand and answer high-calibre questions in the limited time that you have got? Listen up!
We provide the BMAT Taster Course for Free. This free course gives you a short introduction to the BMAT exam. We will go through some past paper questions just like we would on the real course, except during the 8-hour course you will get more theory and questions. To make it more interesting, this year we will be inviting a top keynote speaker to give a speech at the end of the taster course! We will reveal this secret VIP guest soon!
We provide The BMAT Crash Course. It's an intensive 8-hour BMAT preparation course run by Oxford, Cambridge and Leiden university medical students and doctors. We've recently been through the system and will teach you everything you need to know (and more) to maximise your score in this critical exam. And if you need support beyond the BMAT i.e. with interviews/personal statement, just send us an email and we will try to help in any way possible.
During the course, we will work through the theory and questions of our 300-page Course Book, worth £50 (if purchased separately). In other words, you will be spending roughly £9/hour to learn essential techniques to get you through the exam quickly with the greatest score. Today, we are the most effective and most affordable course providers in The Netherlands. We spend hours working on the course book, checking out venues, interviewing the best tutors, answering questions, improving our course content. The course fees reflect these costs. We strongly believe that money should not be a barrier in preventing you from applying to our courses. So if you can't afford our fees, send us a quick email explaining your circumstance, we give up to 50% scholarships. The course costs are slightly higher this year because of increased Eventbrite service charges. Sorry about that!
The BMAT is taking place in The Netherlands again in Feb 2018. The BMAT exam has been adopted by a number of top universities (see the full list of universities below). Enrol now to maximise your score in this critical exam.
BMAT has to be taken for the following subjects at the related universities:
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
Medicine (Geneeskunde), Biomedical Sciences (Biomedische Wetenschappen)
Medicine (Geneeskunde), Biomedical Sciences (Biomedische Wetenschappen)
TU Delft/LUMC/Erasmus MC
Clinical Technology (Klinische Technologie)
TU Delft
Nanobiology (Nanobiologie)
University of Twente
Technical Medicine (Technische Geneeskunde)
Wageningen University
Nutrition and Health (Voeding en Gezondheid)
Clinical Technology (Klinische Technologie)
TU Delft
Nanobiology (Nanobiologie)
University of Twente
Technical Medicine (Technische Geneeskunde)
Wageningen University
Nutrition and Health (Voeding en Gezondheid)
Some useful websites:
Twente University: https://www.utwente.nl/onderwijs/bachelor/opleidingen/technische-geneeskunde/toelating-en-inschrijving/inschrijving/
Wageningen University: http://www.wur.nl/nl/Onderwijs-Opleidingen/Bachelor/BSc-opleidingen/BSc-Voeding-en-Gezondheid/Numerus-Fixus-toelating-en-inschrijving/Biomedical-Admissions-Test-BMAT.htm
Delft University: http://www.tudelft.nl/studeren/bacheloropleidingen/overzicht-opleidingen/klinische-technologie/decentrale-selectie/bmat-testdag/
Leiden University: https://www.lumc.nl/org/studentenportaal/geneeskunde/decentrale-selectie-geneeskunde/BMAT-en-cijfers/
BMAT official website: http://www.admissionstestingservice.org/for-test-takers/bmat-leiden/about-bmat-leiden/
BMAT official website: http://www.admissionstestingservice.org/for-test-takers/bmat-leiden/about-bmat-leiden/
#KanDoMed #VoorbereidenOpDeBMAT #BMATProefTentamen #BMATHulp #BMATNederland
Key words: Voorbereiden op de BMAT, BMAT hulp, BMAT bijles, toelatingstoets voor geneeskunde, gratis les.
Key words: Voorbereiden op de BMAT, BMAT hulp, BMAT bijles, toelatingstoets voor geneeskunde, gratis les.
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