Our Youtube Podcast Channel: BMAT Holland! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5y4dNqMvReAiSS49KY3pAw

Hey guys, if you are interested listen to our podcast about the Aims of the BMAT Crash Course Holland. Sorry about the embarrassing hiccups in words in between. https://youtu.be/vljTwapNpr8

Guys don't forget to make use of this very useful resource. Its FREE and it covers all the topics you need to know for section 2.

Superhandig document!!! Document credits to a student who told us about it! #EssayHelp #KnowledgeSharedIsKnowledgeMultiplied https://www.sslleiden.nl/websites/assets/files/download/Woordenlijsten/WoordenlijstEngelsVwo.pdf

Need ideas for your essays? Listen to BBC healthcheck podcastshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/healthc

A list of common, tricky words
